About Me

My name is Devin Helmgren. I’m a game designer, programmer, teacher and writer living in the Seattle area. I’ve worked most of my career on games of some form or another, be it for audiences of hundreds of thousands or for an audience of just myself. I’m always looking for ways to expand my sense of what it means for games to be games, and what it means for games to be art. I’m an active member of the queer game dev scene, and love seeing the work of my peers.

About This Site

This site was built with Hugo, focusing on making as much of it modern and user friendly as possible without using Javascript. The theme is inspired by Cool Ghosts, though the code is my own. I’m inspired by this article, which talks about reasons for building your own website. This site uses the Montserrat font family.

If you want to use the theme or structure of this site, feel free to, as long as you include attributions as appropriate (you can credit me specifically as Legendary Vermin). Don’t take the banner, that was commissioned from @haleybellart on twitter. Get your own, she's great!